455299 MSA W65 Self-Rescuer Respirator, Complete In Carton, W/Belt Loop
Reasons to buy:
- Lowest price
- Always in stock
- Small size & low weight: Easy to carry on the job
- Extended service life (more than 4 hours)
- Sturdy construction: Increased safety in rough underground mining conditions
Price: US $650.00
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Product no: 455299
Product info: 455299 MSA W65 Self-Rescuer Respirator, Complete In Carton, W/Belt Loop
Product long description:
The MSA W65 Self-Rescuer Respirator provides emergency respiratory protection against carbon monoxide gas resulting from under- ground fires or explosions. A one- time-use device for escape purposes only, it provides respiratory protection against carbon monoxide in otherwise respirable air; it should not be used in atmo- spheres containing less than 19.5 percent oxygen or in atmospheres containing other toxic gases and vapors.
The W65 Self-Rescuer uses oxidation Hopcalite® Catalyst to convert toxic carbon monoxide to non-toxic carbon dioxide. The self rescue breathing apparatus consists of an outer course-dust filter and an inner fine-dust filter to remove dust particles, the Hopcalite Catalyst, and a drying agent to protect the catalyst from moisture. The underground mining self rescuer exceeds NIOSH specified service-life requirements of 60 minutes against 1% carbon monoxide in air 25 ̊ C, 95% RH, at a continu- ous flow rate of 32 liters per minute. Tests at 2% CO show that the W65 Self-Rescuer will still afford protection, but that increased reaction heat will eventually force the wearer to retreat to an atmosphere with a lower CO concentration. Heat buildup caused by the oxidation reaction is inherent in the operation of this type of self-rescuer unit, but the W65 Self-Rescuer’s integral heat exchanger reduces inhaled air temperature to a bearable level.
To protect the filter bed from moisture contamination, expired air is passed back through the heat exchanger and out through the spring-loaded mica disc expiratory valve. Excess saliva is also expelled through the expiratory valve.
Protected in a stainless steel case, the W65 Self-Rescuer has a positive hermetic seal and has a total life of 15 years, with an in- service life limited to ten years. In-service life starts when the unit is placed into a mine or underground for storage; however, if it has been used for emergency escape or if the seal is broken, it must be replaced with a new factory-sealed unit.
The entire assembly weighs approximately 1000 grams (2.2 lbs), and can be carried comfortably on the hip via a 13⁄8″ wide integral belt loop. An accessory leather or neoprene holster is available to adapt to belts up to 21⁄2″ wide.
The MSA W65 Self-Rescuer is an air-purifying underground self rescuer device designed to protect the wearer from toxic carbon monoxide. It does not supply oxygen but functions to oxidize carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide with resulting reaction heat. Therefore, when the W65 Self-Rescuer is worn in an atmosphere containing carbon monoxide, the air entering the wearer’s mouth will be hot and dry. The inhaled air’s temperature is dependent upon the carbon monoxide concentration; the higher the concentration, the higher the temperature. The very presence of heat indicates that carbon monoxide is present in the air being drawn into the W65 Self-Rescuer, and the W65 Self-Rescuer should never be discarded because of discomfort from hot dry air. All air must be drawn through the W65 Self-Rescuer.
The W65 Self-Rescue device contains a heat exchanger to reduce the discomfort caused by high concentrations of carbon monoxide. For example, tests at 1.5% carbon monoxide showed that the heat exchanger will effectively reduce the inhaled air temperature from approximately 300 ̊F to 150 ̊F. Though uncomfortable, one can tolerate even higher inhaled air temperatures since the respiratory system itself is an effective heat exchanger. The importance of training workers to use the nose clip at all times and to breathe through the W65 Self-Rescuer until they reach fresh air is emphasized by the fact that carbon monoxide concentration of 0.5% (5000 ppm) can cause rapid collapse, unconsciousness, and death within a few minutes. It is far better to be alive with a hot or blistered mouth than to be overcome or killed by carbon monoxide. Do not sneak a breath or two of relatively cool air into the mouth by opening the lips.
Note: For further cautions and instructions, including the importance of training in the use of this device, refer to the USBM Handbook for Miners, and USBM Instruction Guide 2, MSA W65 Self-Rescuer.
Product specifications
W65 Self Rescuer Advantages:
Provides emergency protection against carbon monoxide gas resulting from underground fires or explosions
Total life of 15 years with an in-service life limited to ten years
Rugged stainless steel case
Weighs only 2.2 lbs.
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Frequently asked questions about MSA’s W65 self-rescuer
- What is a W65 self-rescue device?
- How does a W65 self-rescuer work?
- What are the advantages of using a w65 self-rescue device?
- How long is a W65 Self-Rescuer effective for once opened?
- How long does a self-rescuer allow you to breathe?
- How much does a W65 Self-Rescuer weigh?
- When should my W65 self-rescuer be replaced?