Uni-Bond Lighting
Uni-Bond Scorch Double Row LED Straight Lamps
Product short description:
Price: US $107.00 – US $252.00
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Product no: VAR0072
Product info: Uni-Bond Scorch Double Row LED Straight Lamps
Product long description:
Uni-Bond Scorch Double Row LED Straight Lamps
Varying lengths available (8″, 14″, 22″, 32″)
(22″ model pictured)
Product specifications
Uni-Bond Scorch Double Row LED Straight Lamps
Features and Specifications:
- Dimensions: 3.125″ H x 2.75″ D (without brackets)
- Proprietary Housing – Side Mount Bracket included
- Pressure Relief Vent to minimize condensation
- Sealed Connector
- Harness Not Included
- EMC, IP69k, RoHs compliant
- 10-30 VDC applications
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