SL-60-R-LB Sealite SL60 Red Solar Powered Strobe Light
Product short description:
Price: US $930.00
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Product no: SL-60-R-LB
Product info: SL-60-R-LB Sealite SL60 Red Solar Powered Strobe Light
Product long description:
SL-60-R-LB Sealite SL60 Red Solar Powered Strobe Light
The Sealite SL-60 is the worlds most popular and versatile 2-3NM+ solar marine light.
The SL-60 can be installed in minutes and requires no operator intervention. The flash characters are easily adjusted onsite by the user, and the lantern has a permanent ON/OFF switch for easy storage.
The SL-60 comes with standard rotary switches for convenient in-field changes of flash characters and intensity selection. In addition, the unit may be provided with an IR programmer for added functionality.
Programmable features include; flash code adjustment, battery diagnostics, lux adjustment, ON/OFF and hibernation mode.
Product specifications
SL-60-R-LB Sealite SL60 Red Solar Powered Strobe Light
Features and Specifications:
- High efficiency
- Low maintenance
- IR programmable
- 256 user-adjustable IALA flash characters
- User-replaceable battery in sealed battery compartment
- 4Ah NiMH battery for long service life & wide temperature range
- Completely sealed & self-contained
- Integrated and detachable bird deterrent spike
- CE: EN61000-6-1:2007. EN61000-6-3:2007
- IALA: signal colours compliant to IALA E-200-1
- Quality Assurance: ISO 9001:2015
- Waterproof: IP68
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