EW3040RGB LED Whip, 4-Ft. with Quick Disconnect Mount, Multi-Color
Product short description:
Price: US $147.00
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Product no: EW3040RGB
Product info: EW3040RGB LED Whip, 4-Ft. with Quick Disconnect Mount, Multi-Color
Product long description:
EW3040RGB LED Whip, 4-Ft. with Quick Disconnect Mount, Multi-Color
Product specifications
EW3040RGB LED Whip, 4-Ft. with Quick Disconnect Mount, Multi-Color
Features and Specifications:
- 12 Volt Operation
- 1.85A @ 12 VDC
- EVA Semi-Flexible Tubing
- Quick Disconnect Mount
- M12 Bolt Mounting
- Working Temperature: (down to) -40°C
- Controller Included
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