American Industrial
Comfort Flex 2″ Utility Belt
Product short description:
Price: US $60.00 – US $70.00
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Product no: VAR0044
Product info: Comfort Flex 2" Utility Belt
Product long description:
Comfort Flex 2″ Utility Belt
- 18442Β Β 2β Black Reflective Utility Belt Medium (33″-39β)
- 18443Β Β 2β Black Reflective Utility Belt Large (39β-45β)
- 18444Β Β 2β Black Reflective Utility Belt X Large (45β-51β)
- 18445Β Β 2β Black Reflective Utility Belt 2X Large (51β-58β)
**The sizing is the actual inches over your work clothing**
Product specifications
Black 2″ Nylon Belt Body
Safety Yellow Reflective
Side Straps for Pouches
D Rings for Snap Suspenders
1.5″ or 2″ Snap Suspenders
- 18442Β Β 2β Black Reflective Utility Belt Medium (33″-39β)
- 18443Β Β 2β Black Reflective Utility Belt Large (39β-45β)
- 18444Β Β 2β Black Reflective Utility Belt XLarge (45β-51β)
- 18445Β Β 2β Black Reflective Utility BeltΒ 2XLarge (51β-58β)
**The Sizing is the actual inches over your work clothing**
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