ABL Lights
ABL 3005 Halogen Combination Snow Plow Light Integrated Headlamp
Product short description:
Price: US $79.00 – US $84.00
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Product no: VAR0067
Product info: ABL 3005 Halogen Combination Snow Plow Light Integrated Headlamp
Product long description:
ABL 3005 Halogen Combination Snow Plow Light Integrated Headlamp
The ABL 3005 H4 combination drive light is the choice for a high/low beam headlight with integrated turn signal and pilot light. This light is E-approved for right hand and left hand traffic.
12V or 24V Models Available
Product specifications
ABL 3005 Halogen Combination Snow Plow Light Integrated Headlamp
Features and Specifications:
- Bulb: H4, P21, T8
- Light pattern:
- ECE R20 High / Low Beam
- ECE R6 Turn Signal
- ECE R6 Optional Repeater
- ECE R7 Pilot Light
- Voltage: 12V/24V
- Intensity: 5 Amp @ 12V/2.92 Amp @ 24V (Low Beam)
- Operating Temp: -40°C to +85°C
- Salt Spray: ISO 9227
- Housing: Black Fiber Reinforced Plastic
- Lens: Glass
- External harness included (no terminals)
- Dimensions: 6.06″ W x 8.18″ H x 5.03″ D
- ONE LIGHT (not a set)
- Bolt mount (lower back)
- Built with Pride in the USA
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