2365-1 Alemite Industrial Lubrication Pocket Pack Fitting Assortment, 48-Piece
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Price: US $86.00
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Product no: 2365-1
Product info: 2365-1 Alemite Industrial Lubrication Pocket Pack Fitting Assortment, 48-Piece
Product long description:
2365-1 Alemite Industrial Lubrication Pocket Pack Fitting Assortment, 48-Piece
Lubrication Fittings; 48-Pc. Pocket Pack Fitting Assortment
Product specifications
2365-1 Alemite Industrial Lubrication Pocket Pack Fitting Assortment, 48-Piece
Features and Specifications:
- Contains six types of fittings: 1610-BL, 1688-B, 1613-B, 1641-B, 1637-B1 and 1911-B1
- The assortment contains a selection of the most popular sized fittings
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