Samson Rope
166 Ton Samson Rope Panther Recovery Sling
Product short description:
Price: US $1,640.00 – US $3,420.00
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Product long description:
Panther is a lightweight, high- strength, low-stretch recovery tow sling designed to be reliable and safe for your mining and vehicle recovery operations.
The 12-strand multiple grommet strength member is made of 100% Dyneema® fiber, with chafe protection that provides Panther with the appearance and ease of handling of a single leg tow sling, while providing superior abrasion resistance.*Product normally stocked in large quantities–due to supply chain issues, expect 2-3 weeks for delivery.*
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Frequently asked questions about Samson Rope Panther Recovery Sling
- What are the key features and benefits of the Samson Rope Panther Recovery Sling?
- How do I choose the appropriate Samson Rope Panther Recovery Sling for my needs?
- What are the available sizes and capacities of the Samson Rope Panther Recovery Sling?
- How do I properly use and maintain the Samson Rope Panther Recovery Sling?
- Where can I get support and repairs for my Samson Rope Panther Recovery Sling?