Material Handling Equipment

MATO conveyor belt fasteners

Conveyor Belt Fasteners

With heavy-duty vehicles and machinery at mining and other industrial sites, the importance of conveyor belt components and maintenance often goes overlooked. However, if something goes wrong with your conveyor belt, production can be shut down entirely - costing your operation time and money.

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MATO conveyor belt primary cleaner

Conveyor Belt Cleaners

Conveyor belt cleaners can be key to ensuring that operations run safely and smoothly by preventing material-build up, stopping drive drum motors from becoming overloaded, and reducing the risk of material spilling. Overall, an effective conveyor belt cleaner can significantly reduce belt wear and the risk of downtime.

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Industrial material handling conveyor

Industrial Material Handling Equipment

Material handling equipment ensures that products are safety transported and stored throughout manufacturing and distribution processes. For many facilities, this will include a combination of fixed path transportation (such as conveyor belts) and variable path transportation (including cranes and trucks).

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Conveyor Belt Monitoring and Control in Mines (Shuttersock)

Conveyor Belt Monitoring and Control in Mines and Industrial Applications

One of the most important aspects of a successful operation is the effectiveness of a project’s conveyor belts, transporting large volumes of material, and operating in a safe and efficient manner.

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Conveyor Motor Controls

Conveyor Motor Controls for Mines and Tunnels Endorsed by Carroll Technologies

Reliable conveyor motor controls for mines and tunnels is an essential part of keeping operations running smoothly.

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Mining pump system

Mefcor: Switches and Pumps Endorsed by Carroll Technologies

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Conveyor Belt Systems for Mines and Tunnels

Robust and Reliable Conveyor Belt Systems for Mines and Tunnels

Robust conveyor belt systems for mines and tunnels enable operations to run smoothly, with throughput being reliably transported between processes. Carroll Technologies distributes conveyor belt systems from a range of trusted manufacturers, including Goro, Mefcor, and PBE Electronics.

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Conveyor Belt Monitoring and Control in Mines (Shuttersock)

North America’s Leading Supplier of Conveyor Belt Fasteners

Supporting more than 800 mines across North America, Carroll Technologies is an industry leading supplier of industrial and safety products for the mining and tunnelling sector, including a range of conveyor belt fasteners.

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Ceramic and urethane linings for steel pipes

Ceramic and Urethane Linings for Steel Pipes in Mines Increase Longevity at Least Ten-Fold

Ceramic and urethane lining for steel pipes in mines is considered one of the best ways to increase the longevity of equipment and therefore improve safety.

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Converyor belt monitoring and control

Conveyor Belt Monitoring and Control in Mines

One of the most important aspects of a successful mining operation is the effectiveness of a project’s conveyor belts, transporting material too bulky and heavy to be carried by hand to where it needs to be, and functioning in a safe manner.

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