Our Products

Carroll Technologies provides mining, tunneling, steel, construction and other industries with a one-stop shop for all their safety, communications, network design, motor, power and electrical needs.

We stock over $7 million worth of spare parts from 80+ manufacturers at our distribution centers across North America. And we’re committed to providing a full range of MSHA-approved Miner Act products. We are available 24/7 to discuss your product needs and to ensure we provide the right solution for every project. We won't just sell you a product - we provide training, support, service and repair for as long as you require it. We will provide a fully customized solution working with the best combination of suppliers.

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  • Same-day dispatch
  • 24/7 support
  • Authorized repair facilities
  • MSHA approved
  • Endorsed by manufacturers

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A Miner Wearing A Mining Helmet With Headlamp Underground

CCS Technology

Carbon Capture and Storage is a critical technology in the fight against climate change, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from industries and power plants. By capturing CO₂ before it enters the atmosphere and safely storing it underground, CCS supports the U.S. in meeting its climate goals while maintaining energy security and economic growth.

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Fleet of trucks and forklifts outside of a warehouse facility

Forklift Fleet Management Systems

Forklifts are indispensable for daily operations in warehouses and distribution centers. However, managing a fleet of forklifts can be a complex task, involving aspects such as maintenance, safety, and operational efficiency.

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Samson Rope Panther Recovery Sling being used to recover a tractor in rugged terrain

Synthetic Rope for Rigging and Lifting: Elevate Your Operations with Samson Rope Products

In the world of rigging and lifting, the choice of equipment can make a significant difference in both efficiency and safety. When it comes to synthetic ropes, Samson Rope stands as a trusted name, offering a diverse range of cutting-edge solutions designed to enhance your rigging and lifting endeavors.

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MATO conveyor belt fasteners

Conveyor Belt Fasteners

With heavy-duty vehicles and machinery at mining and other industrial sites, the importance of conveyor belt components and maintenance often goes overlooked. However, if something goes wrong with your conveyor belt, production can be shut down entirely - costing your operation time and money.

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MATO conveyor belt primary cleaner

Conveyor Belt Cleaners

Conveyor belt cleaners can be key to ensuring that operations run safely and smoothly by preventing material-build up, stopping drive drum motors from becoming overloaded, and reducing the risk of material spilling. Overall, an effective conveyor belt cleaner can significantly reduce belt wear and the risk of downtime.

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Industrial material handling conveyor

Industrial Material Handling Equipment

Material handling equipment ensures that products are safety transported and stored throughout manufacturing and distribution processes. For many facilities, this will include a combination of fixed path transportation (such as conveyor belts) and variable path transportation (including cranes and trucks).

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A Miner Wearing A Mining Helmet With Headlamp Underground

Lights and Lighting Equipment for Mining, Tunnelling, Water & Industrial Applications

Carroll Technologies Group offers the most comprehensive set of safety equipment and products available to mining, steel, tunnelling, water and construction companies across North America.

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Fire suppression systems used to improve employee safety

Fire Suppression Systems

Fire suppression systems are used to control and extinguish fires, they are activated by heat and smoke. The automatic fire safety solutions eliminate the need for people to manually activate it in need of emergency therefore reducing the risk to the safety of any workers. In less accessible areas such as offshore rigs, these systems are ideal.

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Fire suppression system

Honeywell Fire Suppression Systems

Honeywell provides fire suppression systems that help to prevent fire from destroying life and property. These powerful systems are fast and reliable against electrical, non-electrical and smoke fires in water sensitive environments.

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Man reviewing underground operations and communications with tunnel communication system

Tunnel Communications Systems

For above-ground communication, we are spoiled for choice when it comes to available technology, but these matters become more complicated underground. Tunnel communication systems cannot rely on satellites, and tracking cannot be done utilizing GPS, but workers need to communicate and operations need to be monitored.

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Underground ground monitoring device

Ground Monitoring in Underground Mines: Miner’s Helper from SMI

Ground monitoring devices for underground mines play an integral role in preventing ground movement, which can result in rock falls and tunnel collapses. By providing important data regarding the behavior of surrounding rock, geophysical instruments for mining operations allow mines to react to rock deformation and assess the performance of the ground support systems.

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Offshore gas detection equipment

Offshore Gas Detection Equipment  

Offshore gas detection is essential in helping the oil companies to identify problems early in order to find and repair issues quickly, significantly reducing the risk of leaks that could lead to a major accident or hazard.

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Ground monitoring device

Ground Monitoring Devices

Having functional ground monitoring devices in mines is essential for the infrastructure of the tunnels and the safety of the workers. These devices ensure that electrostatic charge remains at a safe level to prevent the risk of explosions or fires.

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Fall protection equipment on industrial oil rig

Fall Protection

OSHA fall protection standards dictate that employees who are required to work on any surface more than 6ft high with an unprotected edge must have fall protection equipment. MSHA data from 2020 declares that slips and falls were the second highest cause of mining-related injuries and fatalities.

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Conveyor Belt Monitoring and Control in Mines (Shuttersock)

Conveyor Belt Monitoring and Control

One of the most important aspects of a successful operation is the effectiveness of a project’s conveyor belts, transporting large volumes of material, and operating in a safe and efficient manner.

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Collision avoidance in mines (Picture: Shutterstock)

Collision Avoidance

Collision avoidance in and around mining operations is an important concern for mines: collisions between workers and vehicles or machinery are one of the leading causes of serious accidents in the US mining industry.

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Pump (Shutterstock)

High-Quality Pumps for Mining, Tunneling, Water & Industrial Applications

There is no one-size-fits all pump solution for mining or industrial applications. From light-weight submersible industrial pumps for dewatering to heavy-duty centrifugal mining pumps for silt and sludge, mining operations are continually fighting against harsh environments both above and below ground.

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DAS Communications

Supplying and fitting DAS systems for all industrial environments is one of our key areas of expertise.

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Leaky feder wi-fi communications systems in mines

Underground Communications

Leaky feeder Wi-Fi communication systems and cables in mines offer more stable and effective communication than wired phones.

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Mine Central Communication Center

The Central Communication Center gives mining companies an integrated command and control room that ties together voice and data communications, location tracking and atmospheric monitoring systems.

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Electrical equipment

Electrical and Electronics

Coal mining, non-coal mines, steel, tunneling and construction projects rely heavily on electric power. Companies demand immediate selection of electrical and electronic equipment and products to keep their operations moving safely.

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Mine conveyor (Carroll)

Motor Controls

Mines and construction projects use a huge variety of different motors, motor controls and related equipment and Carroll can be relied upon for its comprehensive range and expert advice.

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Miner and equipment tracking (Shutterstock)

Miner & Equipment Tracking

Carroll Technologies Group understands that protecting miners and industrial workers while they perform their hazardous work is a number one priority for every company in the business.

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Multi-Gas Detection Instruments for Mining and Tunnelling


Mining operations require constant, vigilant monitoring systems from several different perspectives.

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Harrington Hoists mining products

Power Distribution Equipment

Carroll Technologies Group stocks and services a complete range of power equipment, electronics and related products so that our customers in mining, tunneling, steel and construction have the products, solutions, and services when they need it.

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mine safety equipment and supplies

Mine Safety Equipment

Carroll Technologies Group offers the most comprehensive set of safety equipment and products available to mining, steel, tunnelling and construction companies across North America.

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Underground and mining communication systems

Underground Communications

We understand that mining, steel, tunneling, water and construction operations pose a unique set of communication challenges. Linking the operations and safety staff above ground to miners deep underground in remote locations is its own significant obstacle.

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