SAMOA brings innovative AODD pump efficiency to North American mines


SAMOA serves the Air-Operated Double-Diaphragm (AODD) pump market, which plays a key role in mining operations, as well as other major industries such as construction. The mining industry relies on AODD pumps daily for a number of applications, most notably dewatering, where water or wastewater needs to be evacuated from a site.  

The AODD market is substantial and diverse, with a global value of approximately $1B, $312M of which is generated in North America. It is projected to grow at a compound annual rate of 3.4% over the coming years. 

  • Mining
  • Tunnelling
  • Industrial & Commercial
  • Construction

SAMOA History

SAMOA was founded in Spain in 1958 and has since gone on to increase its product range, diversifying towards new markets and industries. The company is well established in Europe as a leading air operated reciprocating pump supplier and has primarily served the lubrication equipment market in North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region. SAMOA’s new partnership with Carroll Technologies Group will introduce mining and construction customers to SAMOA’s innovative pump products, which boast innovative design and unmatched cost efficiency. 


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There are several advantages of an AODD pump over alternatives such as centrifugal pumps. They can operate in dry run conditions, are self-priming and versatile, and as an air-powered solution, they do not require electrical installation. AODD pumps are also suitable for a wide range of applications, including both fixed installations in process applications, as well as portable or mobile units. Furthermore, AODD pumps are leak-proof and do not have external moving or rotating components, so are reliably safe by design. 

SAMOA Pivot Universal Pumps (UP) are AODD positive displacement pumps. They have two pumping sections, with each side featuring a liquid and air chamber that are divided by a diaphragm. The diaphragms are connected to a shaft, and during one pumping stroke, fluid is suctioned into one liquid chamber while simultaneously the fluid in the opposite liquid chamber is discharged. The new SAMOA Pivot UP introduces a unique frictionless Pivot-Shaft Air Valve to provide maximum performance and energy efficiency, which exceeds market expectations. 

Why SAMOA: ATEX-Certified innovative design and cost efficiency

According to Mark Johnson, Sales Manager for SAMOA’s North American region: “There’s a lot of chemistry that’s used to treat the water and the materials on the mine surface, so a lot of the pumps that we manufacture are compatible with whatever chemicals are used to neutralize the water there, whether it’s sulfuric acid or nitric acid.

“What sets us apart is our air motor. We have a patented air valve that is unlike anyone else’s in the market. It’s considered frictionless; there are no parts subject to wear because the pump works on a pivot action, thus the name Pivot series. Our technology doesn’t exist anywhere else, so we are coming to the market with something new, something innovative, and a product that is more efficient.

“Other competitors use a spool-and-sleeve or sliding block technology, where there are wear parts that will need to be replaced once they are worn down. Out air motor is based on a cartridge system, replaces its service is extremely simple. You remove the entire cartridge as a whole piece and put a new one in its place. Servicing our product only requires five to ten minutes, whereas with our competitors, it would be anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half.

“If we look at the total cost of ownership from the time you acquire it to the time you dispose of it, including any downtime, the service time, and the cost of wear parts, it’s the most competitive total cost of ownership in the marketplace.”

Why Carroll Technologies Group: valuing customer relationships

There are no one-size-fits-all pumping solutions for mining applications, so Carroll Technologies Group has developed a broad and diverse portfolio of products from trusted manufacturers. Based on extensive experience servicing more than 800 mines in North America, Carroll Technologies Group works closely with customers to supply the best pumping solution for a site’s requirements. This key partnership with SAMOA introduces a new and innovative solution to North America’s mining industry with the patented Pivot series.

According to Josh Johnson, Metal/Non-Metal Mining & Industrial Sales Account Manager for Carroll Technologies Group: “We don’t have a product in our suite right now that has this patented feature. It’s going to allow us to have something new that we can go offer to our existing customer base in the mining community, as well as target some of the other industries in construction.”

Carroll Technologies President, Allen Haywood, adds: “Carroll Engineering is always growing and picking up product lines. We’ve dealt in the pump industry, and we’ve sold and serviced pumps throughout the years, but this is a special niche that is opening up new opportunities, not only with mining and construction, but also with a lot of other applications.

“We’re always very careful to make sure we work with proven companies with experience and quality products, but we also look for companies that we will have a very good working relationship with. We see great possibilities in this partnership and these new product lines.”

Purchasing pumping solutions through Carroll Technologies Group grants customers access to MinerCare 24/7, a comprehensive set of support services such as technical support, rapid emergency response, and factory-authorized repair.

“We see this partnership with Carroll Engineering as being vital to our success because they are such a key player in these industries, and they know the applications,” Mark Johnson explains.

“In my 30 years in the pump sector, I have found that one of the keys to being successful in this industry is relationships with customers, and it’s clear from our conversations with Carroll that they have the ability to reach out to their customers and introduce new products. Many other distributor partners just don’t have that quality of relationship.”