This unit connects up to four switch or sensors to the RQT switch input and records a unique voice message for each of the 4 switches. In the event that the status of a switch changes, the pre-recorded message will immediately be transmitted to all personnel equipped with a radio. Additionally, each input can be programmed to transmit on different frequencies.
The RQT radio works with radio repeaters and its range can be extended with a RAM-1545 antenna.
The device is encased in gasket-sealed, polycarbonate enclosure, which is fitted with built-in mounting flanges. It can either operate as a stand-alone using 6 AA batteries or powered externally through the use of a 110V AC adapter RPX-Expo.
Key features include:
- 2 watt VHF (150-165 MHz)
- PC programmable
- Built-in microphone for voice recording
- Models: UHF 450-470MHz, VHF 150-165MHz, VHF MURS License-Free
- Multi-channel/frequency capability
Based in the US, Ritron designs and manufactures industrial-grade wireless communication equipment. The RQT-152 VHF quick talk transmitter is available through Carroll Technologies’ online mining store, along with other Riton products, including the TS-142-GW remote control radio switch.
Carrol Technologies has provided communication, monitoring and safety solutions to more than 800 mines across the US. Customers who purchase wireless communication solutions through Carroll Technologies gain access to MinerCare 24/7, which includes around the clock technical support, rapid response to mining emergencies, factory authorized repair and an extensive stock of spare parts. With a distribution network of more than 70 trusted manufacturers, Carroll Technologies can meet your wireless communication needs.
For more information about Ritron or wireless communication equipment, call Carroll on 606-573-1000 or send an inquiry here.