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Fall protection equipment for the energy, power and utilities industries

Energy industry worker wearing fall protection for working on wind farm

GlobalData insights state that renewable energy held a 19% share of the US’s total power capacity in 2020, and this is expected to increase to 48.4% by 2030. This means that over the next decade, more money is expected to be invested in constructing and maintaining these energy, power and utilities industries, including wind and solar farms.

Workers in these industries will face several of the same safety hazards than other industrial sectors, including the risk of falls and slips. For Carroll Technologies, providing workers with the best fall protection equipment is a key priority.

Wind turbine fall protection

OSHA fall protection standards require that any personnel working on a surface more than 6ft high with an unprotected edge must have fall protection equipment.

For offshore wind farms, good practice guidelines from the G+ Global Offshore Wind Health and Safety Organisation state that sites need to have collective protection (such as fixed guardrails), and personal protection (such as fall prevention or restraint systems).

Both onshore and offshore wind farms will require guard rails, safety nets, and personal fall protection equipment (such as lanyards and harnesses) to keep workers safe when they are required to climb turbines.

Fall protection for solar installers

Solar installation and solar panel maintenance will typically take place on roofs, so it is essential that workers are kept safe. Workers installing solar panels above a height of 6ft will require fall protection equipment such as lanyards and harnesses, as well as adequate safety anchors.

Alternative energy companies and fall protection

Carroll Technologies has searched and tested the market to find the best fall protection equipment for energy, power and utilities industries.

Carroll supplies rugged, energy-absorbing lanyards that keep fall arrest forces below 6 kN. MSA’s restraint lanyards are designed to be placed between the anchor point and the harness, which prevents workers from dropping into the fall area.

Honeywell’s Miller brand provides a high-quality range of full protection solutions, including its harness and fall limiters. The Miller AirCore harnesses are lightweight and made from corrosion-resistant aluminium and breathable open-core padding to allow for optimal airflow, as well as reduced heat and moisture entrapment.

Fall protection equipment available through Carroll Technologies includes:

  • MSA retractable lanyards
  • MSA vest-style harnesses
  • MSA full-body harnesses
  • MSA lanyard restraints
  • MSA trauma prevention
  • MSA lanyards with hooks
  • Honeywell Miller AirCore harnesses
  • Honeywell personal fall limiter
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How Does a Collision Warning System Work in Mining Operations?

mine vehicles

Collision warning systems in mining operations involve tracking vehicles, moving equipment and personnel using tags and sensors in order to establish safe zones, trigger collision alerts, and provide operators with proximity awareness without distracting them from their task. 


Information from tags and sensors is fed back to a data control centre, which is often integrated with information from other Internet of Things  (IoT) networks, such as gas detection devices and operations management. From these control centres, mining operations can customize safe zones for workers and machines, as well as tailor how alerts function depending on where they are in the mining network. 

 Collision Warning System Technologies

A number of technologies can be used for proximity detection, including RFID tags, geofencing, GPS, radio and satellite, and can be integrated into a mining operation’s Wi-Fi/Leaky Feeder systems. Robust and reliable collision avoidance for mining operations, such as PBE’s PAS Proximity Alert System, utilize multiple technologies for a redundant system so that collision avoidance is always connected if one fails.  


With tags assigned to different machinery and personnel to determine their risk, as well as with various technologies being employed to know their location, collision avoidance systems in mines can be set up to trigger alerts when two tags get too close. Similarly, geofencing can establish safe zones that will trigger a warning if it is breached. For large-scale mining operations, satellite tracking systems are useful for incorporating multiple systems into a single operation, including communication systems. 


As experts in mining safety, Carroll Technologies supplies collision avoidance solutions that can be customized for your mining operation, offering a range of products such as PBE’s dash-mounted collision avoidance system. Find out more here about how products supplied through Carroll Technologies can keep your mining operation safe, along with the company’s repair and installation services. Speak to one of our collision avoidance safety consultants today.

Further Reading:

Collision Avoidance: Systems, Devices & Equipment in the Mining Industry

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MSHA-Certified Mining Equipment and Training

MSHA certified mine safety equipment

The MSHA Approval and Certification Center (A&CC) tests and certifies mining products, providing operators with confidence in equipment, instruments, and materials by ensuring compliance with Federal regulations. This testing and certification makes MSHA-certified mining equipment incredibly valuable for modern mining operations.

Through Carroll Technologies, customers can be supplied with a wide range of MSHA-certified machinery and safety solutions such as Northern Light Technologies (NLT) cap lights, MSA multigas detection, MPS hard hats, and Miner and Equipment Tracking Systems (METS) from Matrix Design Group.

MSHA Accident Prevention

As part of its ongoing dedication to preventing accidents involving machinery and equipment, MSHA standards require operators to maintain control of moving MSHA mobile equipment by enforcing speeds restrictions that are consistent with the conditions at a mining site. When mobile equipment is not in motion, it is essential that it is stored in a safe location that prevents it from moving and becoming a hazard.

MSHA Powered Haulage Safety Initiative

Powered haulage equipment such as shuttle cars, locomotives and front end loaders are one of the leading causes of injuries for surface miners. In response, MSHA has provided safety guidance and collision avoidance rules to help keep mine workers safe. This includes traffic controls, training, and avoiding distractions, as well as collision warning and avoidance systems for mobile equipment. The organisation also provides guidance for safety issues such as seatbelt usage and conveyor belts.

MSHA Safety Training

In addition to MSHA accident prevention solutions, it is required by federal law that mineworkers receive adequate safety training and annual refresher courses from the administration.

It is not enough for mine operators to secure the best products; operational staff must be kept up to date on proper operational techniques and regulatory requirements. Carroll Technologies Group provides a full suite of technical mining training courses, including comprehensive training courses for all of the major products in its portfolio. Staff are introduced to safe work practices and precautionary techniques with materials and guidance provided by MSHA itself.


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Miner Cap Lights Provide Underground Workers with Hands-Free, Efficient Lighting Solutions

Miner wearing hard hat fitted with cap light

Strapped on to the top of a helmet, these portable light sources allow miners to experience hands-free illumination of their surroundings and use a simple turn of their head to light up even the darkest corners of the mine.

Miner cap lights eliminate the need to carry a cumbersome torch and reduce the need for expensive fixed lighting solutions. Cap lights also provide the added bonus of ensuring the wearer’s head is protected from any low-hanging tunnel ceilings or falling debris, as they will not be able to utilize the cap light without their helmet being properly secured.

A miner’s cap light is an essential piece of their everyday arsenal which will be supplied by all responsible mine operators. Miner cap lights can be purchased through Carroll Technologies Group, a leading supplier of mine safety solutions operating across North America.

Carroll Technologies Group have provided supplies to over 800 operations across the continent. Carroll’s customers can rely on the company to provide them with MSHA-approved products, with a 90 day warranty as standard.

They can also rely on Carroll Technologies Group’s MinerCare 24/7 team, who are always just a phone call away for any technical support needs they may have. Carroll Technologies Group is also an authorized service center for complete repair and service after the sale of a product.

Which miner cap lights are available through Carroll Technologies Group?

Carroll offers two miner cap lights from Northern Lights Technologies, both of which are cordless, all-in-one pieces of equipment.

The Polaris NLA0M1 comes with a fixed clip, while the Polaris NLA0M3 supports an adjustable clip.

The cap lights use a high-capacity lithium ion battery with a 12-40 hour operational time to power an LED light. When the battery runs out, it can be easily recharged in just ten hours.

This promotes comfort and ease of use as the wearer can recharge their cap light at the end of a shift instead of carrying around an external battery pack.

The lights of the NLA0M1 and NLA0M3 are housed in plastic casings built to resist dust, water and debris. They offer a minimum illuminance of 5,000 LUX, with typical brightness clocking in at 6,500 LUX – brighter than many existing cap lamps available on the market.

The lights also offer the option to enable a flashing beacon mode. In the event of an emergency, the wearer can trigger this setting and alert their colleagues to any potential danger they may face.

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RQT-152 VHF Quick Talk Transmitter for Wireless Alerting

RQT-152 VHF quick talk transmitter for wireless alerting

This unit connects up to four switch or sensors to the RQT switch input and records a unique voice message for each of the 4 switches. In the event that the status of a switch changes, the pre-recorded message will immediately be transmitted to all personnel equipped with a radio. Additionally, each input can be programmed to transmit on different frequencies.

The RQT radio works with radio repeaters and its range can be extended with a RAM-1545 antenna.

The device is encased in gasket-sealed, polycarbonate enclosure, which is fitted with built-in mounting flanges. It can either operate as a stand-alone using 6 AA batteries or powered externally through the use of a 110V AC adapter RPX-Expo.

Key features include:

  • 2 watt VHF (150-165 MHz)
  • PC programmable
  • Built-in microphone for voice recording
  • Models: UHF 450-470MHz, VHF 150-165MHz, VHF MURS License-Free
  • Multi-channel/frequency capability

Based in the US, Ritron designs and manufactures industrial-grade wireless communication equipment. The RQT-152 VHF quick talk transmitter is available through Carroll Technologies’ online mining store, along with other Riton products, including the TS-142-GW remote control radio switch.

Carrol Technologies has provided communication, monitoring and safety solutions to more than 800 mines across the US. Customers who purchase wireless communication solutions through Carroll Technologies gain access to MinerCare 24/7, which includes around the clock technical support, rapid response to mining emergencies, factory authorized repair and an extensive stock of spare parts. With a distribution network of more than 70 trusted manufacturers, Carroll Technologies can meet your wireless communication needs.

For more information about Ritron or wireless communication equipment, call Carroll on 606-573-1000 or send an inquiry here.

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Eaton Thermal Magnetic Circuit Breaker: A Fail Safe Safety Solution

Eaton thermal magnetic circuit breaker

Cutler Hammer safety breakers

Eaton’s Thermal Magnetic Circuit Breaker C Series from Cutler-Hammer (a division of Eaton) is the result of years of experience designing solutions that improve electrical safety, efficiency power distribution and code compliance. The C Series Cutler Hammer circuit breaker is a fail-safe solution guaranteed to protect electrical circuits from unsafe power loads.

Specifications include:

  • 600 VAC
  • 250 VDC
  • 3 Pole

Cutler-Hammer circuit breakers are available across the globe to various industries, but serving the mining and tunnelling market in the US, as both distributor and authorized repair centre, is Carroll Technologies. Carroll has more than 30 of experience in providing mining safety equipment, electronics and motor controls to more than 800 mines across North America.

Circuit breakers for mines and tunnelling operations are essential devices to protect circuits against the potentially damaging effects of lightning, utility switching and switching electric motors. Carroll Technologies endorses and stocks Cutler-Hammer circuit breakers as reliable and proven devices.

According to the Allen Haywood, president of Carroll Technologies: “We always have a large inventory of circuit breaker products. They are a critical device. We work with customers to make sure we have the solution for them, offering a large array of circuit breakers in different sizes.”

The Eaton Thermal Magnetic Circuit Breaker C Series can be found at Carroll’s online mining store, along with a range of other circuit breaks, surge protection devices and repair equipment.

Furthering the value of customer investment in surge protection equipment and ensuring that mines are always protected, Carroll Technologies is a factory-authorized repair and certification centre of Eaton products. Additionally, the company stocks a wide selection of spare parts worth more than $7m. With the purchase of circuit breakers from Carroll, customers gain access to MinerCare 24/7, which offers around the clock technical support and industry-leading rapid response to emergency situations.

Eaton also supplies a range of molded case circuit breakers for use in mines and tunneling.

For more information about circuit breakers for mines and tunnels, call Carroll on 606-573-1000 or send an inquiry here.

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Ocenco: High-Quality Self-Rescuers for Mines Distributed by Carroll Technologies

Ocenco self-rescuer

Catering to a number of industries that operate in dangerous environments, including military, industrial, mining and tunnelling, maritime and offshore oil, Ocenco manufactures high-quality, field-proven EEBDs for many applications.

Across the US, Ocenco products for mining and tunnelling operations can be purchased through their distributor, Carroll Technologies.

According to Carroll president Allen Haywood: “Ocenco is a company that we have represented for a long time, we’ve serviced their product for decades.”

“This company is the manufacturer of self rescuers, including the EBA-6.5s and the M-20s, which are wearable and storable rescuer oxygen units. We keep a large inventory of those. A lot of companies in the noncoal industry are not as familiar with these yet, but they do have their applications as self rescuers for tunnels and underground mining.”

“Ocenco is in the medical field, it has been making medical equipment, emergency equipment, for many years, but the specialty that they have and that we represent for mining is the EBA 6.5 and the M20 wearables.”

The M20 is one of the most light-weight and compact self-rescuers on the market. As well as in mines and tunnels, this product has proven to be effective for those working in industries such as water treatment, petrochemicals and sanitation. It is belt wearable and easy to use, allowing the operator to gain access to respiratory protection in less than ten seconds.

The EBA 6.5 self-contained self-rescue device is a closed circuit respiratory protection product that uses compressed oxygen instead of generating breathable air from chemicals. It is encased in a clear and rugged exterior to allow mine workers to easily assess and determine the condition of the unit. This device is also easy to use, allowing the operator to immediately access oxygen once it is secured, and a manual adjustment of the unit’s oxygen valve will grant the user up to eight hours of respiratory protection at rest, or up to 100L of airflow during heavy work rates.

For more information about Ocenco products for mining applications, or to get a quote to purchase the EBA 6.5 or M20 for your mine, contact Carroll Technologies at 606-573-1000 or send an enquiry here.

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Model 117 Page Boss Weatherproof Phone for Mines and Tunnels

Model 117 Page Boss weatherproof phone

The Model 117 can be purchased through Carroll Technologies online mining store, along with a range of other Page Boss products, which can be combined to provide a complete communication network for any mining operation.

According to the Allen Haywood, president of Carroll Technologies: “Carroll Technologies is an authorized repair facility to service these mine phones. It is a very reliable source of communication. It’s not like a handheld radio where it’s mobile and you can walk and communicate throughout different locations in a mine, because this form of communication has fixed locations, which has advantages of its own also.

PBE is the manufacturer of the largest majority of the phones that we service, but we service just about any kind of mine phone out there that may be repaired.”

Key specifications for the Model 117 Page Boss weatherproof phone include:

  • Size: 12”h X 7-3/4”w x 6-1/2”d (30.5 cmH X 19.5 cmW X 16.5 cmD)
  • Weight: 11 pounds (5 kilograms)
  • Power Source: 12 VDC battery NEDA 926 (unless otherwise specified)
  • Power Requirements: Standby– 0 milliamps, page amplifier– 350 mAvv
  • Input Line Resistance: 18K ohms
  • Input Line Impedance: 2K ohms
  • Output Impedance: 600 ohms
  • Output Page Voltage: 12 volts
  • Output Page Current: 500mA max (shorted line)
  • Output Amplifier Power: 2.4 watts RMS undistorted
  • Solid State Relay Sensitivity: 2 volts DC
  • Enclosure material: Polycarbonate resin
  • Warranty: 90 days

Drawing on more than 30 years of experience, Carroll Technologies is ideally positioned to help customers build a communication network that meets all of their requirements. Through its MinerCare 24/7 support service, Carroll provides factory-authorized repair and certification, as well as rapid response for mining emergencies, technical support and an extensive spare parts inventory.

For more information about mining telephones or PBE equipment, call Carroll Technologies on 606-573-1000 or send an inquiry here.

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Conveyor Motor Controls for Mines and Tunnels Endorsed by Carroll Technologies

Conveyor Motor Controls

Carroll Technologies stocks a comprehensive range of motor protection products and applied motor controls from Benshaw Incorporated, which specializes in mission-critical motor control solutions for heavy-duty industries and applications.

Carroll supplies a range of conveyor motor controls for mines and tunnels, including:

  • Starters (RX2E-250-480-12)
  • Motor starter cards (BIPC-300055-01)
  • Sensorless vector drives (RSI025S44W)
  • Soft start (RC2-0-S-052A-31)
  • Contactor (RC-150A-56AC110)

According to Carroll Technologies president Allen Haywood: “We are a stocking distributor of Benshaw conveyor motor control products and have been for decades, they’re a very reliable company with a good product. Benshaw is a company that designs, builds and manufactures soft starts and motor controls, which we use in the construction and building of our belt starter.

“They’re also used for complete packages for starting builds and starting pumps. They have a lot of contactors and can provide any electrical starting applications for motors, so they have a lot of pre-packaged systems that house the contacter or the starter, the transformer, the push button and control and indicator lights, at all different sizes and different variations for different sized motors.”

Purchasing conveyor motor controls for mines and tunnels through Carroll Technologies gives customers access to MinerCare 24/7, the most comprehensive product support service in the mining industry. MinerCare offers around the clock technical assistance, as well as rapid response to emergency situations- supporting more than 800 mines with a spare parts inventory worth more than $7 million from 70+ manufacturers at 13 distribution centres across the US. Carroll also performs factory-authorized repair and certification, maximizing the value of customer investment.

To contact Carroll for a quote or to discuss which conveyor motor control products will work best for your mining project, send an inquiry here or call 606-573-1000.

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Huesker: Leaders in Geosynthetics for Mining

Huesker Geosynthetics

Huesker are market leaders in geosynthetics for mining. The company’s Minegrid product is manufactured using high-tenacity polyester and coated with a flame-resistant, anti-static coating.

It is available in a range of tensile strengths, from 35 kN/m to 1000 kN/m, with a standard roll size at 5m x 100m. Shorter, narrower rolls are available upon request.

Huesker’s Minegrid is available through its North American distributer Carroll Technologies.

According to Carroll Technologies president Allen Haywood: “Heusker geosythetics are used for several applications. The Mine Grid product that they supply is typically used on the rib or the walls, where it catches debris. It’s a safety product that prevents debris from rolling out onto roadways, or that may fall and hit bystanders.

“It can be used underground to support roofs and walls, or used outside to do the same thing; supporting highwalls that follow long roadways. Huesker also has road bedding products to build foundations, or applications where they have soft ground. They have products that help build impoundments for slump pumps or different kinds of impoundments.”

Carroll Technologies provides mining equipment to more than 800 mines across the US alongside its industry-leading, 24/7 Miner Care service, including on-call technical support, factory-certified repair, and rapid response safety compliance. Carroll’s factory-authorised repair centres help to extend the service-life of support products, improving personnel safety as well as the value of your investment.

For more information on geosynthetics for mining or to purchase Huesker’s Minegrid, call Carroll Technologies for a quote at 606-573-1000 or send an enquiry here.