That’s why we provide a range of miner and equipment tracking systems in our varied product portfolio for use in a broad range of industrial applications.
Our MSHA-approved solutions for miner safety include the Miner and Equipment Tracking System from Pyott-Boone Electronics (PBE), a top-selling MSHA approved system which provides tracking, radio communications, and atmospheric monitoring all over a single cable.
For tracking purposes, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags attached to the helmets of miners transmit location information to readers situated strategically throughout the mine. Personnel in above ground control rooms can then pinpoint the location of any miner below ground.
Whether shown precisely in maps or comprehensively in table format, our solutions for miner tracking give management a clear window into where their teams are working.
Our PBE system also receives atmospheric monitoring data from remote sensor devices.
In a hazardous underground environment like a mine, pipeline or tunnel, every minute can make a difference. Why not make sure that you have time on your side by choosing one of our systems for miner and equipment tracking?
These underground mine tracking systems reduce your need for full-time dispatchers and provide greater reliability for equipment tracking. You’ll protect your people and your capital while lowering your operating costs.
Our solutions in this area meet 2009 Miner Act guidelines and have MSHA Part 23 Approval No. 23-A080013-0.
We offer tracking system solutions that are cost-effective to purchase and maintain with features such as flexible spacing and wired mesh redundant infrastructure designed for post-accident operation.
Emergency reporting and custom reports capability give you everything you need for management and compliance reporting.
Miner & Equipment Tracking for the Water Industry
Organizations working within the water industry utilize a variety of specialist equipment when tunneling or installing pipelines. Not to mention a variety of specialist personnel are also required onsite in order to oversee operations and ensure that equipment is working correctly. As such, it is essential that firms within the water industry are able to monitor their workforce and equipment in order to ensure the safety of their staff and resources. Carroll Technologies stocks an extensive range of personnel and equipment tracking solutions for use within the water industry – helping to keep staff and equipment safe and functional.
Contact us below and our representatives will be happy to discuss our extensive range of miner equipment tracking products with you.